Gwen Moran
Life can be beautifully messy. And complicated. We all face challenges ranging from those that shake our world to those that are merely inconvenient or annoying. These experiences can stir a range of emotions and reactions in us that are tied to who we are, where we’ve been, and how we view the world. Some people seem to manage them with ease, while others struggle.
After being diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer, I became fascinated with the quality of resilience. What makes some people able to persevere—and even thrive—in the most difficult circumstances while others give up or become bitter?
Fortunately, I’ve been able to use my own curiosity to interview some of the best minds in the world about how we can be happier and more satisfied in our work and lives, as well as how we can overcome life’s challenges. I’ve written “bloom where you’re planted” stories for more than 15 years. And I’ve had my own share of experience with difficult situations. And I’ve learned that, while we may not always be able to make every situation perfect, we can usually make them better.
That’s what Bloom Anywhere is about. I’m on a mission to get more out of my life and conquer the challenges so many of us face. Here, I’ll share those insights so you can, too.